Good for them for speaking up at the protests, and now, for filing this suit. May justice prevail!
There is needed work being done in the wider world at large by The Hind Rajab Foundation, which has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.
You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.
Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:
Let's face it: The crackdown on the pro-Palestinian protests reeks of the long arm of the pro-Israel lobby, working through its big donors on university boards. It parallels what the Israel lobby does to political candidates in elections who do not get in line and self-censor about Israel, and support the federal government serving as an open ATM for Israel's wars and oppression of Palestinians.
The court of law is really the only avenue of pushback that may work, so good on these students and the lawyers to file the lawsuit. May they win.
Stinks like Vietnam. I remember cops in riot gear coming down Mass Ave in Cambridge looking to enforce a curfew. All because we protested Spiro Shitface’s visit. Never give up.
The elephant in the room is why is there is no report of the students that got pepper-sprayed having tried to press criminal charges against the perpetrators? It is beyond beyond that the perps essentially got rewarded.
If you look at the Mount Sinai chemical spray document what is ironic is that the doctor Catherine is supposed to follow up with, Melanie J. Bernitz, has since been promoted to interim head of the Division of University Life, which oversees Columbia's Center for Student Success and Intervention that is meting out all of these suspensions; she is now head of Columbia Health and also the division that is disciplining students.
Peaceful protest on campuses should be part of the democratic process for self and group expression of free speach. Who wouldn't want to be part of a protest of the genocide taking place of Gaza and its surround. It would be unamerican not to protest genocide.
Here, I continue my vigil in front of a synagogue with my sign that "Palestinian Lives Matter" and "Zionism Rejects Liberty and Justice for All, Reject Zionism, it is Un-American.
Yesterday, for the third time in the 9 weeks I have been on vigil, the police arrived to tell me as they did in the past that "some people are uncomfortable with you being here, would you be willing to move to the other side of the street?" I would not. People in Gaza are also uncomfortable. The synagogue, Beth Emet, displays a large Black Lives Matter banner, so why not respond to my request and come out and join me in my plea for another group of human lives that matter and are being destroyed with US weapons? No, they are silent. And speaking of silence...
I composed a letter to the mayor and city council of Evanston, my home town, along with the two local newspapers calling them out for remaining silent to my request that they stand up for liberty and justice for all and stand down for Zionism. The two local papers refuse to say a word to me or ask me what I am doing even as thousands of city residents have seen me on my vigil.
The control of Zionism in America is terrifying. Thank you DropSite for being one of the few courageous news/investigation sites. The land of the free and the home of the brave MUST break the grip of Zionism and all of us have to do something to make that happen as it will not be coming from our federal, state or local governments.
This sounds like intimidation, with Columbia University acting on orders from an authoritarian police state rather than respecting the Constitution and following the laws of the nation in which that university resides.
It is good to see our young people standing up for the common good, that is the only hope for humanity. Should they have to face this outrage of discipline? Perhaps, but only to reveal the scale of the illness that infects the older generations, so that they are very well aware of the struggles they will (unfortunately) have to face for the rest of their lives, battling the remnants of this failed social order of the Empire. May they prevail in their court challenges, while any of the justice system remains intact.
We wish the brave students all the best and hope they make an example of the cowardly Columbia University Admin. and their vile policies.
Good for them for speaking up at the protests, and now, for filing this suit. May justice prevail!
There is needed work being done in the wider world at large by The Hind Rajab Foundation, which has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.
They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.
You might find meaningful to watch the recent interviews that Glenn Greenwald did on his Rumble platform, and Ali Abunimah of the Electronic Intifada, did with the head of this organisation, Dyad Abou Jahjah. It was very informative.
Here's a petition calling for accountability for the arrest of Ali Abunimah in Switzerland:
Please sign the petition and share widely.
Petition signed and contribution made, thanks for flagging this outrageous detention of a good man.
Let's face it: The crackdown on the pro-Palestinian protests reeks of the long arm of the pro-Israel lobby, working through its big donors on university boards. It parallels what the Israel lobby does to political candidates in elections who do not get in line and self-censor about Israel, and support the federal government serving as an open ATM for Israel's wars and oppression of Palestinians.
The court of law is really the only avenue of pushback that may work, so good on these students and the lawyers to file the lawsuit. May they win.
Solidarity with the students. Never give up. 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Stinks like Vietnam. I remember cops in riot gear coming down Mass Ave in Cambridge looking to enforce a curfew. All because we protested Spiro Shitface’s visit. Never give up.
Be brave! And don't underestimate Columbia's viciousness. You are in the right.
The elephant in the room is why is there is no report of the students that got pepper-sprayed having tried to press criminal charges against the perpetrators? It is beyond beyond that the perps essentially got rewarded.
Zionists can only treat with brutality.
If you look at the Mount Sinai chemical spray document what is ironic is that the doctor Catherine is supposed to follow up with, Melanie J. Bernitz, has since been promoted to interim head of the Division of University Life, which oversees Columbia's Center for Student Success and Intervention that is meting out all of these suspensions; she is now head of Columbia Health and also the division that is disciplining students.
Peaceful protest on campuses should be part of the democratic process for self and group expression of free speach. Who wouldn't want to be part of a protest of the genocide taking place of Gaza and its surround. It would be unamerican not to protest genocide.
Since when is the protest against GENOCIDE anti semitism? Is it only when
the Zionists are comitting it.
You know who rules you by who your not allowed to criticize.
Powerful article. I pray for true Justice for these students. They deserve so much!
3 cheers for the 3 students.
Here, I continue my vigil in front of a synagogue with my sign that "Palestinian Lives Matter" and "Zionism Rejects Liberty and Justice for All, Reject Zionism, it is Un-American.
Yesterday, for the third time in the 9 weeks I have been on vigil, the police arrived to tell me as they did in the past that "some people are uncomfortable with you being here, would you be willing to move to the other side of the street?" I would not. People in Gaza are also uncomfortable. The synagogue, Beth Emet, displays a large Black Lives Matter banner, so why not respond to my request and come out and join me in my plea for another group of human lives that matter and are being destroyed with US weapons? No, they are silent. And speaking of silence...
I composed a letter to the mayor and city council of Evanston, my home town, along with the two local newspapers calling them out for remaining silent to my request that they stand up for liberty and justice for all and stand down for Zionism. The two local papers refuse to say a word to me or ask me what I am doing even as thousands of city residents have seen me on my vigil.
The control of Zionism in America is terrifying. Thank you DropSite for being one of the few courageous news/investigation sites. The land of the free and the home of the brave MUST break the grip of Zionism and all of us have to do something to make that happen as it will not be coming from our federal, state or local governments.
The student movement reverberates all over the US, etc. We need to walk arm and arm together, students and livers of democracy.
This sounds like intimidation, with Columbia University acting on orders from an authoritarian police state rather than respecting the Constitution and following the laws of the nation in which that university resides.
It is good to see our young people standing up for the common good, that is the only hope for humanity. Should they have to face this outrage of discipline? Perhaps, but only to reveal the scale of the illness that infects the older generations, so that they are very well aware of the struggles they will (unfortunately) have to face for the rest of their lives, battling the remnants of this failed social order of the Empire. May they prevail in their court challenges, while any of the justice system remains intact.