Really?... "You may receive email updates from The Labor Force, Blue Future, Blue South, Courage California, Defeat Republicans, Demand Progress, Democracy for America Advocacy Fund, Democratic Values PAC, HollywoodDemocrats.com, Inequality Media Civic Action, Left Click, More Perfect Union, National Campaign for Justice, Other98, People for Dylan Wegela, People Power United, Progress America, Rashida Tlaib for Congress, Social Security Works, Solidarity Action, TakeItBack.Org, The Juggernaut Project, The People United, Trader Joe's United, Amazon Labor Union, Drop Site News, and Bowers News Media, the sponsors of this form."

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Thanks for flagging this. If you select "Edit Subscription Preferences" on the bottom of the form you can opt out of email updates!

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It's still a dark pattern.

Bright red background to "ADD YOUR NAME", and much smaller text to "Edit Subscription Preferences".... which then shows the pre-checked agreement to be spammed, deliberately hidden since there's room for it all the time.

This comes across as a cynical ploy to get subscribers to orgs that people haven't heard of.

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Thank you Ryan for making this known and available. I’m 75 and live with my oldest daughter due to battling chronic late stage Lyme disease and have almost gone broke in what first was misdiagnoses, Lyme deniers, and doctors stating it’s too controversial and not enough support (though reported cases have increased 75% since 2020 when I was finally diagnosed) and going into $30,000+ debt as the doctor takes no insurance and what Medicare and RX plan denied or charged at high tiers, and services needed. I’m home bound and no longer drive. My daughter is in management and her salary includes 45 hours for added managerial work, but like many, she works closer to 50 at times. So I’m practically alone and I depend on Amazon. I wanted to see them hurt for nonunion action, what workers go through - I don’t live far from one of their “overnight warehouses”, and what Bezos has done to the WP - which I thankfully never subscribed to - by forcing people out with his stepping into editorial moves/decisions, and his giving to the president elect’s inauguration. My next step is closing accounts with Meta, and doing all I can do to support journalism - those who give us non-biased facts. I am a subscriber of Drop Site and have been a monthly donor to the Intercept for about 3-4 years. I never used Substack and thankfully Dropsite introduced me to it and so many other journalists, writers, lawyers, professors especially of history and our constitution.

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All jobs should be union jobs, even bullshit jobs.

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Workshops4Gaza and Open Books: A Poetry Emporium is also selling copies of Refaat Alareer's IF I MUST DIE and 100% benefits The Sameer Project, a donations based aid initiative led by Palestinians in the diaspora working to supply emergency shelter and aid to displaced families in Gaza + help with information dissemination. https://open-books-a-poem-emporium.myshopify.com/collections/workshops-4-gaza-bookstore/products/w4g-12-03-24-alareer-refaat-if-i-must-die-poetry-and-prose-hc

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Great cause Ryan. Agree Amazon 1000% needs to pay its workers better and provide better conditions. I hate how businesses who make billions don't treat their workers well. They should have a win/win situation. For the business and worker. Yet their corporate greed is inexcusable.

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Maybe Ryan should sit down in 'the board room' and discuss this issue with the board. What do they say when a million dollar salary is rewarded with a year end bonus of more millions or so approved by th board and than ask how are the workers rewarded for making the company profitable enough so top management makes millions. Surfs we be and surfs we'll stay till we storm the Bastille/board room.

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