Great piece and synopsis of where we are and how we got here. It was a heartfelt tragedy each time the Democratic Party elite cut Bernie off at the knees. I was one of the dummies who advised in a Bernie poll that he should run as a Democrat so as to not be labeled a spoiler. I, like Bernie and many of his followers had not yet gotten the memo of where the party was. We needed to get to this point to realize how badly we had been betrayed by the Democratic Party. The party a majority had been aligned with, perhaps lifelong. I actually feel bad for Bernie at this point. Putting his faith in a party who would undermine him at every turn. Kind of seems like he succumbed to a bit of Stockholm Syndrome. Still supporting Biden and taking the Squad with him. It’s terrible where we have arrived. I would love to see a coalition of third parties come together to form a front to the failed duopoly. Is it too much to ask? I for one would support it.

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Come on. Give Bernie more credit. Its not Stockholm, its transactionalism. He is constantly in the minority and used to taking what he can get. I disagree with that approach, but then again, he has a legislative record as the Amendment King. So, lets give him some credit.

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The US – and not only the US – is a place where there are rich people and people who are struggling to get by. That used to be true everywhere, and people looked upon it as normal. We don't anymore. We've seen better. We've lived in a US where ordinary people could make a living. On one income. My family did.

I'm thinking of two things, that speak to me louder than statistics.

One: Years ago, decades ago, a friend came home from visiting family in Philadelphia, and reported seeing homeless men gathered around fires in 55-gallon drums. Third world in America, she said.

Two: There are people depending on food banks in Toronto who used to donate to food banks. And I don't think for a moment that it's only in Toronto.

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No, he would not have won anymore than he did in 2020. African-Americans were among voters who rejected him then at the request of capital-loving democrats. The essay dances around the real issue which was elucidated by Louis Brandeis: "We can have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of the few, but we can't have both." Democrats are "humane" capitalists, but they're still capitalists. Even elected, Sanders couldn't have changed that--with two other branches bought-and-paid for. If history repeats itself, the writing is on the wall. Capitalists will never relinguish power by democratic means. Ask Julius Caesar. Ask the Gracchus brothers who attempted to reduce wealth disparity. The problem isn't candidates: the problem is unregulated capitalism. We the People now serve the capitalists instead of the other way around. Democracy has been vaporized by an ignorant populus that believes that democracy is the right to make money.

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This is pure speculation. It's not correct to say that (all or most) African American voters "rejected" him based on a few primaries on Stupid Tuesday in red states like South Carolina that would never have cast their electoral votes for a Democrat in the first place. In fact the Dems coordinated a mass drop-out just prior or at the beginning of that slate of primaries and pushed the media messaging that Biden was going to win that portion of them in a landslide, when again, 90% of the states involved would never be "blue" for any presidential election. IIRC, there were still several important West Coast and Mountain West primaries to go and Bernie had a really good chance of winning most if not all of them. On top of all that, if he did get the Demo nom, do you really think African Americans would have voted for Trump over Bernie at that point in time? No way.

In any case you also cannot forget the fact that at the same time as all the Democratic contenders suddenly and concurrently dropped out of the 2020 primary, they were all also coerced into publicly endorsing Biden. I seem to recall Warren initially didn't but was quickly brow beaten into doing so. The only holdout was Bernie, so it was the entire machine of the Democratic party and their media courtiers against him, just like in 2016. That is why African Americans in South Carolina "rejected" him and it's dishonest to characterize the situation as uniquely about the AA community.

I agree with the rest of what you said, however, and think that by hook, crook or assassin's bullet, Bernie would never have been allowed to implement anything remotely resembling his populist working class platform planks if he got elected to the White House. In fact, someone probably showed him the "other angle" of the Zapruder film sometime in 2016.

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I agree, when you say the problem is unregulated Capitalism, and both parties are guilty. The more wealth is concentrated in the hands of the few, the more the working class suffers and this is worldwide. Even security, surveillance and war have become such big business that endless conflict is inevitable.

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Don't generalize like this : "African-Americans were among voters who rejected him"

In fact this was the reality in the 2020 race -prior to the Jim Clyburn /Obama "Bernie Ambush" . The Clyburn and Obama South Carolina Primary and subsequent chanaigans was not done on-behalf of Black Democratic Voters or at Black Voters behest .

NEW YORK (Reuters) - U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has widened his lead for the Democratic presidential nomination and overtaken Joe Biden in support among African Americans - a voting bloc that until now has largely favored the former vice president, according to a Reuters/Ipsos national poll released on Tuesday.

The result could spell trouble for Biden, the one-time frontrunner who has lagged behind the field after the first few Democratic nominating contests. To remain a viable contender, Biden has been banking on a strong showing in Saturday's South Carolina primary, a state where black voters make up more than half of the Democratic electorate. https://www.reuters.com/article/world/sanders-surpasses-biden-among-african-american-voters-reutersipsos-poll-idUSKBN20J2J8/

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Yes, but he eventually lost bigtime: https://www.motherjones.com/2020-elections/2020/03/bernie-sanders-lost-black-vote-south-carolina/, due in no small part to the Clyburn/Obama hit he suffered, as you said. And note I said "among voters who rejected him"; Blacks weren't the only ones. Most notably, as some pundits point out, the democratic establishment representing corporate interests rejected him and invested heavily in selling Biden to the public.

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Well, the fact that 20 million fewer American voters now seemingly think American viability as a democratic nation is in question , suggest the destruction of Sanders 2020 and 2016 impacted far more than Bernie .

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This nails it. Time to pick up the pieces and rebuild the resistance. The most important electoral takeaway for the future is that someone in the progressive “Squad” - or someone Squad-like - must mount a decisive primary campaign for the next cycle. And it can't actually be a "someone" - it must be a group of someones, otherwise a single person will get ganged up on, as happened to Bernie in 2020. The establishments of both controlling parties are psychopathic and sociopathic. Perhaps nothing demonstrates that more clearly than the genocide of Palestine. There is sanity and great power on the popular left, as Bernie Sanders demonstrated, and that must prevail. New if informal campaigns should start now. This would be a Jesse Jackson, Bernie Sanders continuation, as I noted in more detail in The Lesson of Jesse Jackson and Bernie Sanders: https://fictiongutted.substack.com/p/con-don-the-con-dems-and-the-left

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I wish the Squad would just resign from the Party and start their own. Those who supported Bernie would join it in a heartbeat. The Democratic Party has been Republican Lite since the Bill Clinton era. The reality is that there is no party of the people and has not been. After Sanders, there was a brief thought of trying to move the party from the inside with a group called "Dem-Enter." It was a spectacularly impotent movement that might as well never have existed. We need progressives to resign and form their own party. There are probably more of them than neoliberal Democrats. The biggest voter turnout this year was Independents.

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I have the same wish, but I'm too old now not to recognize that that move leads nowhere in this country. There's a reason that, alone among all the democracies in the world, the US is the only one with just two viable political parties. Part of that is because we do not have a really parliamentary form of government (just my own opinion there)

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In all honesty, we do not have a democracy either. We have a corporate aristocracy that operates two "parties" through bribery. The operation is designed to preserve the wealth and power of the aristocracy, not to provide for the well-being of the nation and certainly not its people. If enough people resign from the Washington Post, it will no longer be a viable newspaper. It will be replaced by one. Same with the Democratic Party.

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Progressives breaking off is a plan for Republican Fascism rule. They need to take over the Democratic Party like trump took over the Republican Party.

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Won't work. This was tried through "Dem Enter" after we had a much stronger progressive force in 2016. The only way to get corporate Democrats (elephants in donkey suits, nothing more so don't fool yourself about this) is to withdraw your support for them completely and start building a real competitor without them in charge. Bernie got 46% of the delegates running an 18 month campaign. If the Democrats who joined him resigned to support a Progressive Democratic party, we would be bigger than the current Party in a VERY short time.

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That's what won't work. Split the Democrats and Progressives and you hand Republicans elections.

Progressives can take over the party if they get the votes, just as trump did to Republicans.

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They could if the Democratic Party operated as a democracy. We both know that they do not, so trying to sheepdog people from straying from the fold is what we know does not work. This time, what used to be a party is now run by oligarchs who handed an election to a well-funded street gang. Best thing is to smash it and rebuild a party from scratch. Democrats' operatives are too corrupt to reform. They'll have their constituents doing the same, "voting for the lesser evil" EVERT election cycle. Their objeective is to keep a ruling family of oligarchs firmly in control and smash the working class to prostrate helplessness to be easily controlled by their corporate sugar daddies. I'm leaving this "Party." I encourage others to do the same. Yes, we are now getting governed by MAGA. They could not have won without the DNC, and their "consultants." We have Trump because of Democratic Party operatives. You will not be able to sheep dog me back into the fold bleating "vote bluey no matter whooey." What a stupid choice for a mantra. It matters who. It always has. Everyone sees this but the partisan stooges.


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Your views IMO endanger Progressive power. What would have been better last term, Republicans or Biden making some compromises with Progressives?

What would have been better is Bernie winning, but he wasn't able to in the party or out. So pick.

The problem with 'vote blue no matter who' is how much it's demanding Progressives vote for corporatist Democrats. It needs to go both ways.

25% of Hillary voters didn't even vote for Obama, she did not promise to endorse Bernie if nominated. Progressives need to take over the party.

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100% spot on. I was just making this point to another friend last night. The Dems SCREWED the Sanders (who would have won easily ... was well on his WAY to winning easily and jammed Genocide Joe, Warmonger Joe, Busing Joe. Sack-o-Crap Joe down our throats. They DESERVE to lose and as much as I regret the fact, this country has EARNED what is coming to it.

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yes, agree; we, the Democratic voters, brought this on ourselves; we let Clinton bring in neolibralism to us, then Obama failed us and supported the banks, stopped the public option, and then Genocide Joe....

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We? No, “we” did not.The electorate is given a game show every few years, but once in office, neither contestant a nor contestant b actually care what we think. The population has near 0 impact on legislation.

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Someone forgot ClarenceThomas Joe...

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Well written Krystal. From Hillary to Kamala, every cycle was a preordained coronation, red flags or democracy be damned.

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Well written and compelling arguments. Between neoliberalism which with ships well-paying jobs out or crushes unions wherever possible, and the belief in meritocracy, workers are trapped. Loaded with school debt they are blamed for their own lack of success. No wonder they’re furious!

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Add to that the fact that most of us in blue collar or gray collar jobs can't exactly take a day off to protest anything and if it was discovered we did, we'd probably be fired in this "Right to Work" country.

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I totally agree that Bernie would’ve won in 2016. And the Democrats never ever take a look at their own failures. The main thing that everybody seems to miss including Breaking Points is the role of the independent voter. A plurality identify as independents and make it clear they don’t follow party lines. The two political parties are what is destroying the fabric of our country. As I see it opening the primaries, having non-partisan elections, and changing the HOW we do politics in this country is the only answer, in my humble opinion. Let’s go independent! Break the moribund electoral system once and for all! Maybe this is the beginning??

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For those who are interested check out https://openprimaries.org OPEN PRIMARIES is one of the election reform we desperately need - NON PARTISAN primaries!!!!!

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Thank you for mentioning Lopez Obrador and Claudia Sheinbaum. As an avid listener to podcasts such as Breaking/Counter Points, Bad Faith and the like I have been metaphorically yelling at you, my favorite hosts, to talk about what is going on in Mexico. It is impressive and I for one find inspiration in watching las Mañaneras where Claudia answers questions directly, with complete command of the facts for over an hour every single day. When you compare that performance to Kamala's superficial word salads you realize what a low bar we have set for leadership in this country. Morena a new party only 10 years old has won two presidential elections and majorities in both houses in Congress, not to mention changing their constitution to incorporate judicial reform (ding, ding, ding, ding!!) In the last 6 years AMLO and now Claudia have raised the minimum wage, strengthened universal healthcare, supported a social safety net, built infrastructure like passenger rail, hospitals and airports (not to mention a plan to build a million new homes), subsidized energy and implementing a green transition. We need to look outside of our distorted fish bowl and realize there is a whole world of opportunities out there! Check out the English language podcast, Soberanía for news about what is happening in México.

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Thanks for the reccomendation. Already added it to AntennaPod. I was wondering, though, do you know of any similar type podcast in Spanish covering politics in Latin America from a populist left perspective?

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So the stated goal for the Dems has always been to win. The underlying goal, vastly more critical, has been for the power to remain in the hands of the myriads of individual fiefdoms that populate the party elite. These Dems will not anyone and I mean anyone, infringe on their personal power. Nuland is the power hegemon of Ukraine, Blinken of Israel and that is just for starters. Apiac owns congress. The mainstream media salivates at the 1 billion dollars raised by Harris. As does a host of other opportunists (See Lee Fangs article today. https://www.leefang.com/p/democratic-consultants-deceived-donors)

One thing you can kiss-off ever seeing is any reflection or after-action report by the party. Their entire effort now is internal polling to see who gets saddled with the blame. This fiasco has countless possibilities. The first group has already been decided on unanimously, done so, the minute things started to get ugly last night. It is us, the pesky ungrateful and low-IQ voters, who didn’t pay attentions to the lectures that seemed non-stop. This is perennial “go-to-move” even when there is no election. The voters never get what they want, They get what they can stomach. Moving on, we then get the progressives, the anti-Israel protesters, (fill-in your favorite). No need to be creative, they sure aren’t.

I only see one light at the end of this tunnel and it is an on-coming freight train.

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If history is any indication, this has set the stage for violent revolution. But things have to get a lot worse first, and that's a given.

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Hence the desperation to control alternative and social media. Who controls that controls revolution.

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I think the role that the military could play can't be overlooked, especially given that a certified madman has his finger on nuclear controls now.

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My concern is that they take total control of our Media and prevent us from even organizing thoughts, much less actions. They have very powerful technology and they own the internet. Oh and they have guns.

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Totally agree! I have said when they ran Hillary instead of Bernie they lost and when they didn’t have a primary they lost. When are they going to figure Pelosi should not be running the plays!! Her playbook is dead now! She just got reelected for her 20th term😳 WTF go play with your grandkids and spend all that money you capitalized on from your insider trading!!

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Well written. It’s people like Krystal and Drop Site that still give me some hope for our future. Stay strong everyone!

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Wow! That was good. Thank you. Such a read. Thank you so much. You got it all and didn't have to write a book.

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Totally agree, neoliberalism is dead, and her Democratic Party will NOT allow progressives to enter but try to emulate right populist ideas....so, we need a STRONG third party, what say you??????????? We need to break the duopoly.

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Neoliberalism is definitely not dead. November 5th was one of its best days ever! According to Bloomberg the 10 richest people (men) on earth made 64 billion dollars on Wednesday because the stock market was so happy with the Trump victory.

The Republican Party is an even bigger supporter of the neoliberal agenda than the Democratic party. The Koch Network types don't like Trump personally but they like what he can do for them. They backed Nikki Haley for a while because she's more presentable but they jumped over to Trump as soon as she stumbled.

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Now that the left 100% knows that the Democratic Party will never allow them to work within the party, it's time to get serious about an independent or third-party candidate. with no ties to either major party and a clear independent program. Those voters who are registered as Independent or who don't follow their major party line or who currently don't vote at all represent a majority of all voters, significantly more than are registered with either party.

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And de-register as Dems if indicated… I canvassed for Bernie in 2020, and in WA state where I live, I had to change my registration from independent to Dem in order to cast a vote for Bernie in the primary. I’ve been lazy about changing it back. Wonder if there are many like me?

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Same here. I stay in the Democratic Party so I can vote in the Democratic primaries. I voted and donated to Bernie’s campaign in 2016 and 2020.

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Yep, that's the problem with going independent: In a lot of states, you are essentially disenfranchised.

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